Start Tour


Strive through the mountains

Strive through the mountainswhere flowers bloom...You don’t have to look for long to discover the deep blue and green coloured stones. These are the copper ores azurite and malachite. In earlier centuries, silver mining was enjoying its heyday here, the copper mine in Brixen might even date back to the pre-historic era. The route continues across flat and wide alpine pastures, which provide an ideal terrain for skiing in the winter. Thanks to the route being well-connected, there is a flourishing alpine landscape in Brixental, which not only helps keep the animals healthy but also ensures that the quality of the agricultural produce is good too.

Have a nice walk!


Data Facts
Streckenlänge gesamt: Rundweg
Schwierigkeit: leicht / mittel
Gehzeit ca: 1,5 - 8,5 Stunden
Kinder- u. Familientauglich: Ja
mit Kinderwagen befahrbar: Nein
Infos: Region Brixen i. T. - Kirchberg - Westendorf
Tel: +43 (0)5357 2000-200